a pretty girls who is cute and smart for her action knowing whats right and whats wrong and always help each and other overall the kindest person you can find she is limited edition if u can find her she make wise choices n also people would tend to like her for her personality as she is kind but fun fact she may be too kind so ya
jing yi is the prettiest n sweetest girl jerrel ever met
by Jerrelphia😍 November 25, 2017
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1) a loved one who is treated as both a partner and an offspring (inspired by Woody Allen's marriage to his adopted daughter, Soon-Yi)
2) the act of legally adopting a partner as a dependent, typically for monetary reasons
1) You are my child-bride, my little soon-yi forever.

2) Since gay marriage is not accepted in Kentucky I soon-yi'ed my partner so that we could enjoy all of the benefits of a legally-recognized family.
by tazz999 December 25, 2012
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A woman of Asian decent or whose parents thought this was a cool name.

Yi Ting is usually a soft spoken person whose intellect can only be matched by her beauty.
Person: Hey who was that?
Other Person: Oh that was Yi Ting.
Person: Wow, she's hot!
by Lenny the Antenae Guy September 22, 2008
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If you have this name then theres a 💯 chance that YOU MY BITCH 😰😥👌.If you mess with this nigga I will find you wherever the hell you are, and beat your fuckin ass. I got roasts up my sleeves cunt.
If you mess with Danika Yi, COME AND CATCH THESE HANDS BOY!!!
by DaddyMiyu March 22, 2018
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Min Yi (most likely Asian) is a girl, who is really cheerful and fun. She is a ray of sunshine to everyone and she stands out in the crowd. Minyi is intelligent and systematic. She is neat and orderly and she cares about everyone around her as if they are all her family members :) she will be the angel to cheer and encourage everyone around her in their worst nightmare. But Trust me, you do not want to mess with her when she is upset.
oH dAmN, sHe iS oNe pOsiTiVE pAtoOTiE, she must be Min Yi
by jaCksEpTiCeYE2017 September 16, 2017
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A sweet kind girl who is surrounded by many great friends and loves to sing and dance.
by Caticornnnnnnnnmeow September 30, 2018
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A person who is sensitive and meticulous, super kind-hearted and independent. Loved and highly raved by patients. The Miss Popular Queen. Hundreds of people line up just to see her, even to the extent of waking up at 5am just to get the chance to see her for a few minutes. A girl who is beautiful inside out. However, never get her to speak at your event because her voice is so soothing and comforting that everyone will be so mesmerized, they will fall asleep and dream of light airy waffles. Gifted with healing abilities and a super caring heart filled with love and compassion. If you're born a Yi Ting, be mentally prepared for many people will sing praises about you and you will have a large fan base.
Girl: "Who is the very kind, skilled, sensitive, meticulous, loving, reliable, beautiful, goddess-like woman in the clinic!"
Patient: "That must be Yi Ting. We woke up at 5am to see her."
Patient2: "Yea, sounds like her. She always appears in my dreams."
by icemochi August 27, 2021
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