Pronunciation: wong FOO
Function: verb
past tense: wong fooed

taken from the film "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar"

the act of temporarily turning a dreary, nearly uninhabitable room (hotel, motel, etc) into a place worthy to stay by the use of fabrics (normally brightly coloured), appropriate furniture placement, pictures, etc.

This is exemplified approximately 45 minutes into the movie.
"Imagine our surprise when we got to the hotel room and it was actually very nice inside. We didn't even have to WONG FOO it!"
by chris madison May 23, 2005
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Xenev wong is the evil twin of the famous furry streamer xenev aka zeenev apparently he's been hiding in secret trying to find a way to steal xenevs stream key and become zeenev himself no one knows where xenev wong is currently located but if you see him tell one of his mods immediately if they even care.
by l_ckycharms April 30, 2021
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Aki voted for George Bush, he's such a fucking Uncle Wong.
by jpfd106 March 30, 2011
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Dr. Raymond E. Wong II. Quantitative researcher at Renaissance Technologies' Medallion Fund from 2007-2008. During my time, the fund had drawdowns of over $4 billion in 1 week, we lost $900MM in one day. Specialized in the field of PDREs (Partial Differential Roleplay Equations). Please contact @Dr. Raymond E Wong II to discuss any matters in the field of quantitative finance and AI. FIDE 2883 GM in Chess. Currently long 2300 lots on ES while driving my Mulsanne to my Greenwich house. Made $9MM yesterday.
He trades Raymond Wong size.

He is a raymond.
by fwaefoawefjwoi3 November 1, 2020
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An Infectionous Disease That Can Kill You

1. You’ll make F’s In all of your Tests and exams
2. Your skin will start to turn Indian
3. You will talk nonsense like Wing Wong
5. Your Semen Will be everywhere in the restroom
A whore: “Moaning”
Someone: Yes Do it, Bitch

1 hour later- Someone got sent to a mental hospital
30 minutes later- Someone dies from the Wing Wong Disease
by MC V-Dawg May 27, 2019
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One of the main characters from the tv series Futurama. She is of Chinese descent and is a Doctor of Applied Physics.
'Do you watch Futurama?'

'Yes, Amy Wong is my favourite character!'
by FuturamaLeela January 13, 2012
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A goofy person; often used as a nickname.
We found wong playing with a napkin
by Brian Brackenwood April 13, 2006
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