Wild; When you doin too much. Usually used when someone is feenin a little too hard.
Friend A: Nah I can’t pull up, I got work today
Friend B: Fuck work bro, come smoke
Friend A: You dead wolf right now ion gon lie
by shfjdshjrksn April 29, 2022
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(noun) When you drink way too much for your own good, and throw up on the host's bed.
I can't believe Heather pulled a Wolfe last night.
by MostValuablePartyer123 March 13, 2011
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A protector of all he/she sees in need. Fiercely aggressive, will attack at first site of a threat, Does what needs to get done for the common good, isn't afraid to get hurt or killed in the process, usually works alone.
"The lone wolf."
Best known from "Training Day."
"To protect the sheep, you gotta catch the wolf. And it takes a wolf, to catch a wolf."
by iamawolf January 9, 2008
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Dang girl, you wolfed that pack down. Daaaaang!
by PB Andjay July 17, 2006
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A wolf is the male version of a cougar. He is a middle aged man that is ruggedly attractive alpha male and usually preys on the younger defenseless animals. Generally has a very stylish appeal with slim fitting clothes such as blazers with an unbuttoned shirt and some light cologne. He has a very suave, charming and relaxed ambiance about him mixed in with a hypnotic yet aggressive/seductive gaze. Usual hunting grounds are places populated with young people such as bars or night clubs.
Girl 1: I went to the bar last night and this one guy wouldn't stop staring.
Girl 2: Was he cute?
Girl 1: Well he was an older man but yes. There was just something about him that pulled me to him.
Girl 2: Mmmmmm sounds like he was a wolf.

.Bradley Cooper looks like a wolf.
by OmegaO_o June 5, 2010
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bob: aye man, i hella taped that ass
fred: naaw, man your wolfing
by angelicababyohyes July 11, 2008
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