Tweed Breeds are located in Tweed Heads, Northern NSW. They are usually found dressed in nike shox and bum bags, or bare foot. They also usually wear snapbacks and usually have a rat tail or mullet. They usually fight in packs of ten and hang around areas such as tweed skate park, bypass, streets of coolangatta, eagle, or arkinstall. They are usually aged between 12 - 18. They smoke, steal, fight, swear, root and drink. A tweedbreeds vocabulary doesn't get much further than "putrid, grit, cunt, slut, mutt, dawg, mooxie, fuck and blat" Tweedbreed rivals are murbah, palmy army and kk87.
"why are you 12 and smoking?"
"cos im tweed breed cunt"
by mnxjxdhvfgb al/n cjk hoeqhvfnc December 13, 2011
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To smoke marijuana, usually some schwag or low grade.
Hey man lets blow tweeds and jump off something.
by paulg08 July 25, 2008
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A sexual technique in which the penis is forcibly flicked out from the vagina. The process begins as a standard doggy style. The male then rotates horizontally so he is facing away from the female's head, straddling her hips with his legs. Finally, the male leans backswards until the torque forces the bent penis out of the vagina.
Mary loves it when a guy does a cork tweed with her.
by Mr. Komodo March 30, 2006
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Boss Tweed, a prominent figure of political corruption, was well-known for his scandalous eating habits. At meals, Tweed would measure out exactly three inches from his stomach to the edge of the table. As soon as his stomach touched the table, he knew it was time to stop eating.
Dude, I'm so hungry. I'm gonna eat this meal Boss Tweed style!
by brigonthehezeki April 20, 2009
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A dangerous sexual technique in which a male forcibly flicks his penis out of a female's vagina. This is typically done by the male rotating during intercourse so that the male and female face opposite directions (without discontinuing penetration), and leaning backwards toward the female, causing intense G-spot stimulation. However, this technique has a significantly high risk of damaging the male's genitalia.
Jim: Yo... I heard Rob almost lost his dick tryin' to cork tweed some chick...
Alex: Hahahahahaha!
by Kathrynne May 3, 2006
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noun. a person who inappropriately demonstrates their lack of expertise in a given skill or field, such as: politics, theatre, or public speaking.
How do we help this nation move forward together when the tweed-shard in office refuses to acknowledge home-grown terrorism?
by loveurneighbor108 August 18, 2017
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A kick ass Texas heavy rock band who wrote and recorded some of the greatest songs ever including "Die You Bitch", "Computer is The Beast", "Burn", "Jacuzzi Murders", "Bronegruppa", "Final Conflict" and "Bow Your'e Heads Or Die".
Boss Tweed recorded "Jacuzzi Murders" in 1984 and released it in 1985.

"Die You Bitch" by Boss Tweed is the greatest heavy metal song ever written.

I went and saw Boss Tweed last night and my ears are still ringing!

The members of Boss Tweed were sent to hell but they got kicked out for having too much fun.
by Not Worth A Rats Ass November 18, 2006
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