The best type of encoding in an alternate reality game
I'm tired of seeing 0s and 1s in these edgy ARGs, gimme something that's non-binary for once.
by CrashRocks1419 September 26, 2021
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The phrase used to describe a body that has no natural form or muscle definition. It comes from 'a nothing body' that describes either a skinny man or chubby man.
in context:
"Have you seen Ally recently...He's got an absolute Non-Bod!"
by BUFC2010 January 25, 2011
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Union = well-built, going as planned... Non-union= fucked up, it ain't going like it's supposed to.

Coined by cajun cooking star, 007bondJB of Youtube.

Can be used to describe bad food, packaging that won't open, malfunctioning video cams, feisty ladies & more!
"Don't put no damn non-union oatmeal in a meatloaf... whoever come up with that was TOOOOTALLY non-union!"
by rinchips October 20, 2011
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synonym for horny bc we don’t like the h word
I’m seeing him tomorrow and I’m feeling super non-virginal”
by ur b1tch May 27, 2020
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A person that has not yet been elevated to friend status, either in real life or in facebook. A non-friend is usually met through mutual friends.
My friend Lally is dating a non-friend.
by vgv October 19, 2009
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The singer and songwriter DDG (, refers to the expression "non-language" to define his musical stratagem, the escamotage that he uses in some of his songs to remove the language boundaries and give anyone in the world the chance to sing his melodies.
The non-language, mixing musical sounds, rhythms and melodies with no explicit meaning rather than words, is a way to gather and connect all the people around the world no matter what language they speak - Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish, French or Japanese - because anyone can use a non-language sound like "dondigitdigitdigitdondon".
from the song DIG IT a non-language example:
"We share the same sun
We share the same light

We share the same fight

We share the same rights
So many colours so many souls
Please save my brothers
And just sing and just sing the same song

Respect for people one dream just one love
So many reasons to believe and share the same goal

by musicvibes360 January 1, 2011
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