A term used transphobic people to try to cover up there transphobia. They are also most commonly virgins who are secretly homosexual.
Person 1 :I am super straight so I will not date a trans woman

Person 2 :No you are transphobic

Person 1 :*screams homophobic slurs*
by Qazwsc March 7, 2021
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a bunch of insecure pencil dicks
jim: ayo what’s sexuality are you
bob: super straight
jim: you could’ve just said it was small....
by calypsoscout March 9, 2021
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an invalid sexuality made up by transphobes who want to mask their transphobia and want to seem oppressed. their flag is ⬛🟧 which is awfully similar to the Grindr colours lmao.
person 1- I wouldn't date a trans person I'm only attracted to biological women/men,I'm super straight

person 2- having a genital preference is okay just say that and leave smh you don't have to make up a whole new sexuality, just say you're straight with a preference for vaginas/penis and go 🙄💅
by ThatSadEnby March 9, 2021
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A person, usually a man, who is a closeted gay with a piss kink. They go by the term "super straight" to identify each other so they would know who to have sex with, and who to send nude photos, videos of them pissing or drinking piss to.
"Did you know that Davis is super straight?"
"Lmao, what a queer."
by Miumybeloved March 14, 2021
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Super straight isn’t a sexuality and is a term used for transphobic people to be transphobic. If you identify yourself as “super straight” you officially a dumb ass
“ I’m Super straight so I only date REAL women”🤓
“ No Ethan your just transphobic get a job
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