a julio is usually a caring, funny guy that usually has many girls chasing over hym. is usually short but very hot nd attractive. knows how to makee someone smile nd is really good a skateboarding and or anykind of bikes. can b very popular and sometimes a jerkk but is very kool nd fun to be with. has a nice ass nd is a sex god... i adore my hobo julio. VERY sexyy.
nerd: woah! look at that kool dude! is he criss?
nerd #2: nahh man he's kooler than criss!, he's julio!!
Nerd: woahh!! hey julio!! ur kool! nice butt
julio: uhhh thanks? hey.
nerd: :D
by eatmewhileimhot!! August 24, 2010
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A man with the exreme essence of a nigger.

Super gay in a cool way.
"Hey, i smell shit. Oh, julio just walked in. Shit."
by VinDaBeast_03 November 16, 2016
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Another way to ask about a Hispanic boy or guy.
"How man Julios have you dated?"
by Lovestoplayalot September 24, 2012
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Julio is a Smart, Athletic, Handsome, Snooth, Swell, Kind, Fast, Generous Person. He is a usually a medium sized person and is just the right size for everyone! He makes friends everywhere he goes! He is Ispanic and loves to play Baseball or Soccer. Everyone who meets him always has a smile in their face, but if anyone picks on him or someone he likes in any type of way you better start running.
Boy: Should I be friends with Julio?
Other boys: Yeah let’s all go!

Girls: I really wanna date Julio he’s so hot!
by TheDogeMaster! January 22, 2018
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Julio is not only a sexy ass nigga but he has a heart full of gold and a big ass dick
by Yung dagger dick daddy September 18, 2018
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