When a guy has tattoos on the top of his feet.
Hey man nice fag tags, did he suck your cock while he was doing them.
by gunkma April 12, 2009
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when you are playing Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and you run up and knife a person, that is a fag tag
Lax Bro: dude i knifed 5 people in a row
Faggot: dude its called a Fag Tag
by Mattkames May 21, 2010
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a tag on a social networking site that confirms that a person is a homosexual. it is usually done without said person's knowledge.
Hey, did you see Matt's fag tag on facebook? There's a picture of him and "his baby". I don't think he's seen it yet!
by That0neGuy January 17, 2011
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An ear ring.
Take off those fag tags, this is baseball not a gay pride fashion show.
by kanakaman January 21, 2004
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similar to a cock knock or cock punch, however in a fag tag one individual quickly and stiffly backhands another in the balls and immediate penile regions.
John fag tagged peter cuz he kneed him in the nuts
by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005
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Crappy graffiti art spray painted on various skateparks or on city walls.
Usually uses one color and one consistant line.
Damn! Thats one ugly fag tag!
by Brendan McB January 31, 2004
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when a pud combs his hair forward then flips up the bangs like all the movie stars(aka the ceasar)
my brother has a fag tag what a pud
by rtapittenridge May 17, 2007
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