A heterosexual woman that accompanies a gay male friend to social gatherings, in order to maintain the appearance that the gay man is straight.
Lance realized early in his Wall Street career that gay men have a glass ceiling above them. When he met his sweater girl Stephanie, he knew immediately that he was going to make partner.
by Jack Stadnick February 1, 2006
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The type of sweater a guy puts on when he's trying to impress the chick he's on a date with. It's the only nice piece of clothing he owns and you'll see him wearing it in pretty much every picture taken of him on a date.

Can also be a useful tool when you're trying to confirm if two people are dating.
Sally: "Jenny, I told Tony I just want to be friends, but he keeps wearing this nice sweater when he comes over, even if it's just to watch TV."

Jenny: "Oh yeah, he's definitely interested. That's his date sweater. But I wouldn't date him, Sally...he's a total meathead."

Tony: "Brahhhhhh!!!"
by Potato Sack November 21, 2007
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action verb, copular verb, noun

action verb: to burn the feeble, unworthy eyes of others with the brilliance and fire of ten thousand pairs of gold pants; to confound and bedazzle with beats, gems, and jams so thoroughly as to render all those within sight utterly enthralled, terrified, ensorcelled, and otherwise enslaved to hard'n'funky rhythms of gems glimmering and jams jlimmering.

copular verb: to shine and shimmer as one of the sequined babies; to exist in a state of pure mystical spandex-and-rhinestone technobeat enlightenment; to experience the Divine Revelation of Mother Gem.

noun: the only true glory of the universe.
action verb:

I gem sweatered until their faces melted off. SHAZAM!

copular verb:

He gem sweaters vermilion, chartreuse, and magenta all over the place, filling our minds with passions.


Glory be to the Mother and to the Jams and to the Gem Sweater, as it was in the Bedazzler, is Now, and ever shall be, Beats without End. Amvets.
by SumeragiSlut September 20, 2007
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A female who wears unattractive clothing (ie. a sweater) and still manages to look like a whore.
A: "Have you seen Hannah's outfit today?"

B: "Yes, she looks like a prostitute in training!"

A: "I know, she's such a sweater slut."
by TheGoldenScissors December 14, 2011
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Girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters.
I have an attractive sweater girl just around the corner from my cube. Women are just about the best thing in life!
by sts0364 January 13, 2005
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girl 1) hey i rlly like the song sweater weather

girl 2) me too *winks*

girl 1) we are so bi
by SunnySmiles5886 June 22, 2020
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A romantic ritual of making a woman sweat through pin-point precision acts of Cunnilingus.
Cunnilingus oral sex tongue twister Bro...that girl you're dating is hot. You need to lock it down with the tongue sweater!
by DJ SPEAKERBOX December 14, 2015
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