Now take a step back let me freeze yours off.
Have a carbonite bath, for your goose-steppin' ass.
Call my homeboy in Israel, see who got the last laugh. - ERB idk some time ago
Person 1: "Hey bro, I got 78% on my maths tes-"
(Based) Person 2: "Suck my robot balls"
by TheGamingPop November 10, 2022
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The sentence is often used as the argument which cannot fail, or to discriminate nubs, and as shitload of Lol's is often but at the end of the sentence sequence.
Person1: "OMFG! nub I cen bet u in a duelz!"
Person2: "Lulz"
***Person 2 wins the duel***
Person2: "Suck my juicy balls! lololololololololololo"
by MELEAZT November 12, 2009
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This a vulgar expression to describe a guy that loses unconditionally in fifa. He chooses to whine and repeatedly say "sir?" when he feels the game is unfair.
Brenden: Sir! thats a foul. This is ridonculous

Blake: your such a taint sucking ball junkie
by Fag Black man November 24, 2008
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