A 12Ga. shotgun used to kill zombies. Often sawed-off, but not required.
Every zombie movie has some character with a shotgun. They are best for taking the head clean off in one shot. We all know that's the only way to kill a zombie, duh.
by J Adkins August 19, 2005
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Band from New Jersey that stands for ALL that is ska.

Makes you wanna start skanking within the first 3 seconds.
Did you guys see The Waffle Stompers last night at the HHVFW?

Hell yea man, they were awesome! We skanked all night!
by ericplayzbass92 May 27, 2010
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A member of the international crackhead militia. Crusty stompers have a tendency to be generally incoherent, overuse emojis online and possess the ability to smoke frankly impressive quantities of crack.
These crust-riddled specimens typically haunt raves, and give the party scene a bad name by causing property damage, sex crimes and fights.
"Yes Yes HaHa Crack is Literally Just A Drug Haters, Relax!!!!!!! Thoughts Are A Big Thing..."
"Oh, Christ... it's a crusty stomper... don't make eye contact or they'll try to make us one with the crust..."
by sixshots April 28, 2020
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Brittany, stop preventing me from flirting with that dude. You're being a "Flower Stomper".
by MadWoman4 March 17, 2018
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Noun; someone who walks loudly; someone who cant walk quietly.
i can hear you walk, stop being a Clob Stomper
by AirRick01 May 13, 2010
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A pair of really tired shoes, usually old and of an off brand.
Don't you think you'll get laughed at
when you step out wearing those roach stompers?
by Max L. May 3, 2007
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shoes or sneakers that are in very poor condition; busted ass shoes
Ay you you need to go to the mall and get some kicks so you can get rid of them shit stompers
by Lamar and Lymeeke January 16, 2006
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