(adj) When something or someone is looking really sharp.
Whoa this tux is making me look spiffy!
Hey Joe looking spiff!
by MrSquirrelMan June 23, 2009
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Something, eg. an object, a person, or experience, that is the result of something awesome, shnazzy, or just super cool.
Wow, that guy's hat is so spiffy!
by Kat-xxx August 7, 2010
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A word to describe someone really amazing and special. A word used to tell a friend they look really sexy.
Geez, your haircut looks really spiffy!
by Mel13rgrgrg March 13, 2013
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Meaning the most amazing thing in the world. Spiffy just completes sentences like no other word could. However, this word must be used sparingly. If spiffy is over used, the word becomes dull and mundane. And a word like spiffy should not be treated that way.
Person 1: Whoa. That mustache is cool.
Person 2: NO! That mustache is spiffy!
by SpiffySpidermanLover January 14, 2010
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Looks: Suit and tie/jeans suit and tie/khakis shirt and tie, well groomed

Feels: sexy, good, confident
this suit and tie is making me lookin' and feelin' spiffy
by Rdggdrgh November 15, 2016
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