That chub you get when you start watching House of Cards.
"Hey did you watch the new season of House of Cards?"
" Yeah I got a raging Spacey-boner. "
by BillyBobSmith May 27, 2014
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I am feeling really Kevin Spacey today.
by SabrinaB September 29, 2007
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A reference to the Kevin Spacey sexual assault accusations, it's when your hand "accidentally" rubs against another man's cock, or you poke them on the ass near the asshole. It can be used in both situations.
Police: "So what happened last week sir?"
Assaulted guy: "My nigga Logan pulled a Spacey on me and shit."
Police: "Wow. I'm deeply sorry that he was pulling a spacey on you. We will lock him up for sure."
by Dawed_Fogle November 29, 2017
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Keh·vin Spay·see
to assault or abuse (a person, especially a child) sexually, possibly while intoxicated.
Synonyms: Harvey Weinstein, George Takei, Ben Affleck, etc.
Chad: Did you hear about Danny Devito?
Derek: Yeah, it's weird that he's pregnant. At least he didn't Kevin Spacey somebody!
by Nepho November 12, 2017
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Brilliant actor who played Francis Underwood on House of Cards, a show where he raped people on the set, the role he’s most commonly known for.
“Ew Malik Hall be trying Kevin Spacey me”
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The act of pulling one's penis out of a girl's vagina during sex only to turn the girl around and slap her breasts yelling "Kevin Spacey, bitch."

Also refers to the Actor himself.
I totally gave her a Kevin Spacey last night.
by amysmenu August 30, 2008
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When you have a really bad problem but come up with a shitty excuse that you think is truly amazing.
Don’t worry, I’ll just Kevin Spacey this shit!
by Darth_Shedinja December 15, 2017
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