Movie Star from the 1620s. Dope as fuck. Boss ass bitch bitch bitch.

Shes mad cool and quirky, fun to hang around with. Catch phrase is rockin'- way ahead of her time. Her photos still shine on walls of hospitals. She has wicked style and a phat ass. Dope hair and nice smile. Sweet as fuq. Do not fuq with her shes too dope. Love that nigga. Serious movie star swag swag pop it
John 1: Fuck sucks ur not a laura sommer

Fat best friend: i know shes perf

DEAN of school: every1 shud be laura i'd turn dat ass inside out if it was the 1600s
by RockinRollinChix09 September 10, 2013
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A beautiful, sexy woman! She is incredibly funny and has the best sense of humour.
She's a total hottie!

Well of course she's Sommer bridge!
by Together September 16, 2016
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sommer likes to growl at people. she is a recovering horse girl and sometimes she just sits there and gags for no reason. Girls like sommer just want to always want to be up in a horses bum hole!
is that sommer gillespie?
yes shes riding a horse so it must be!
by MamaBO January 11, 2021
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To pull a Jake Sommer is an action by which some person of the male gender, preferably named Jake, Has anal sexual intercourse with any male by the name of nick.
Man, i heard nick pulled a Jake sommer at the party last week.
by TheTruthMustBeTold March 14, 2014
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Is a german idiom.
Mostly used to describe (a) warm day(s) with a clear sunny sky.
by DieKautz May 7, 2018
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