A generic nickname for a happy person with an amazing smile.
"There's this beautiful girl who has an intoxicating smile that I have started to call Smiles."
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Exchange a smile…
It has been awhile
Sending a few…
To you…
Hoping it will help get you through…
Since seeing posts you can’t do…
Always know I love you…
Here are your smiles

Hoping these will get you by…
Until the smile you see…
Is mine…
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The best swiss rapper you'll ever find. Produced by Mik (Mic) Akdmy.
- Hey man ! This is smile ?

- U want me to smile ?

- NO MAN , this IS SMILE; the fuccing swiss rapper !

- Oh yes, he rules !
by greatestdjoodjeh December 15, 2008
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A bar game usually practiced amongst members of the armed services while travelling abroad. It is where a female barmaid is positioned underneath a table where men are playing cards and drinking. When she selects a patron to perform oral sex upon, the resulting 'smile' is indicated in the patron's expression of exuberance, which obligates him to purchase the rest of the male members a round of drinks.
"Hey, cuz, remember when we were playing that game of smiles in that Filipino bar?" Man, what a game face you had on that night!"
by BottomMover October 6, 2005
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A smile is something people put on their face to tell you everything is fine, when in reality they are suffering inside, but you would never know that since you never even ask how they are. No wonder your ex best friend cuts themselves. You are a terrible person, arent you?
Me: How are you?

You: Good, hbu
Me: Im good *gives a smile*
Me inside: AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa
by YodelingWalmartKid April 16, 2018
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Verb: AKA "Turning a Frown Upside Down" Basically, you make the opposite shape of a frown to give the illusion of "happiness" and "hope".
by Bucket Life October 2, 2007
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"What? Noo, I'm perfectly fine, mom. No no, don't worry about me! Don't you see the smile on my face?"
by Dave Nova May 27, 2017
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