the fucking best thing ever. Just don't go to sleep while driving, thinking, drinking, living, existing, knowing, or taking candy from any children.
Sleepy dude 1: I want to go to bed!
Parent: Eat your 'shrooms first!
by JohnnyToothless March 16, 2008
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Quite possibly one of the best bands to ever exist on planet earth. With voices so smooth, they'll conquere a decade , and with beats so amazing, they'll knock your socks off. If you do not know who they are, check them out. Now.
Kayla: "Hey, have you ever heard of The Sleeping?"
Tom: "No, are they good?"
Kayla: "Only one of the most amazing bands ever!"
Tom: "Oh ok, well i'm off to check them out on myspace!"
by kArAzykimberly March 31, 2010
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to be oblivious to something/someone, especially when that said thing has huge potential or understated value
"Y'all sleep on the Detroit Pistons! They're taking it all the way this year"
"Please stop sleeping on Ski Mask, he's gonna be a XXL freshman this year"
by mannnooo November 18, 2017
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When you close your eyes and shut the f**k up!
Girl:whats your definition of sleep?
Boy: when you close your eyes, and shut the f**k up!
by ctorres624 March 10, 2010
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A gateway drug to being awake.
What's the point in sleeping? I'll just be awake again tomorrow?
by zizzfest March 1, 2009
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The closest way to experience death without actually dying. Seemingly nothing exists while you are asleep, except when you dream.
I dont even remember when I fell asleep. I just all of the sudden woke up and its morning.
by jacob February 25, 2006
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