Synonymous with the word 'Slag'
Often used by ages ranging from 12-17
The word is used to described a woman who sleeps with several men, rather than being loyal to just one,
she wants as much action as she can get.
Her fanny, most of time, stinks of fish too.
That sket slept with my brother and my dad.
by JewishMongrel April 19, 2019
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Someone who will probably get pregnant or AIDS and then die.
Sarah said “Archie, stop cheating or you’ll be a sket and sket’s get pregnant and AIDS
by Realpersonyuno December 19, 2018
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An immature girl that resides within the Tameside area and goes by the name of Tiffany, that has browning teeth and who dresses like a clown and slaps on make up.
search for all Tiffany's in facebook you will see Sket
by masterOfSket March 31, 2010
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A way of describing someone who is unappealing. Similiar to skank, but is not usually used in adjective form
Oh My God, she is such a sket!
They're all a bunch of skets!
You sket! Give me my cookie back! :)
by Charlie the Weird Glitter Emo January 24, 2009
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A dusty, uninspiring, deficient waste of space who instantly destroys any last ounce of serenity when in your view.
Isn't that Jordan a complete sket?
by pedrogjlff;l;klklg;klll January 3, 2011
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A girl that smells like she took a shower in SHIT and like a Dead fish!!
Did you see that girl summer she is such a fucking Sket
by Aeropostale February 7, 2009
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Sket can mean many things, To steal, or to prostitute, or to give off male body fluids.
"I Sketted this hat from walmart son!"
"That bitch better sket my money..."
"I sketted on her face nigga!"
by Bs up Cs down May 17, 2004
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