It’s Shi-ff-ead
Okay class lets take roll... uhmmm shithead?”
It’s Shithead
by B00mquifa March 19, 2019
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Oh look there’s a Fucking shithead
by Quikscope boy1234 December 15, 2019
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A word used to describe someone you dislike.
by Rear_End_Eater November 10, 2020
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someone who is very annoying, so annoying to the point where you just wanna leave
"You're such a shithead"
"Did you hear about that shit head named Braydon?"
by voracious.eggg October 1, 2019
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A sad excuse of a human being, often found at home on a saturday afternoon watching Manchester United as opposed to going to watch his local team (Bristol City). A complete losser in life.
by Dave December 21, 2003
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Shithead. Head full of usless shit. Shit pooring from every opening.
Dubya is a shithead. A hate filled, big tent revival sorta stain with shit for morals and shit for brains. One who ate the brown acid and now runs the free world.
by Liberal Bob October 27, 2005
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A supporter of Bristol City PLC 1982 Ltd.

Often pronounced ''sheedhead'' in a Bristolian accent.
''He's a dirty shithead''
by Eastville Gas November 30, 2007
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