A word that moronic rednecks in america call people from the middle-east.
George bush: Har har har *drinks moonshine i bombed the hell out of dem durr sand niggers
Tony Blair: Indeed sir, now where is you're penis again? I am having problems finding it.
by JanHammer May 30, 2005
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a made up word for people who want to say the n-word but aren’t black.
John:Shut up sand nigger

Tom:woah you can’t say that you aren’t black

John:no it’s fine I’m half Arab
by izzytrain March 8, 2023
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middle east person (irabian) that is like a nigger
osama bin laden is a middle east person (irabian) that is like a nigger
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Racial slur for a Middle Eastern-North African person. Also used for other Muslims, Persians, Arab Christians, Desis, and Brown people in general.
FrenchCatholicCrusader calls Arabs dirty sand niggers, but fails to realize Levantine Arabs have light skin, calling Desis, Turks, Caucasus, and Iranians "White."
by thenabster126 June 20, 2017
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A term used to refer to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
John: Hey man, you know any sand nigger?
Jacob: Yeah, of course! Jesus himself is a sand nigger, he's born in the middle east after all!
by Dr. David Woods January 17, 2022
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Offensive word used by sand nazis to describe their countless and mostly civilian Middle Eastern victims.
Abu Ghraib prison was full of abused or tortured "sand niggers".
by Julien Sency March 1, 2008
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