Rylie is a is just a horrible person who has no soul. Her main goal in life is to bring misery to every person to speaks to. She is a ungrateful bitch who is materialistic and only cares about herself. Stay away from her at all cost. She will only bring pain and misery.
by 1357913 August 25, 2011
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A fat person that you still fall in love with even for her size. And she will probably end up liking a Nick.
Rylie is really into Nick.
by VLove September 10, 2019
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funny, sarcastic but in a charming way. He can make your heart pound and pound and fills your stomach with butterflies with just a simple look. Anybody would be lucky to find their self a rylie
girl: hey look, it’s that new kid Rylie

girl #2: oh gosh, whatta a charmer
by Daleystank April 19, 2018
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If your name is Rylie and you walk into a room everyone stops to look at the giraffe neck coming out of your pants. If your name is Rylie you have the biggest dick.
Oh my God Rylie's dick is so massive!
by NameWriterTruth June 22, 2020
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has the worlds fattest chode legs and are as big as oliver dares throbbing horse cock
its as big as rylies legs
by chode legs November 28, 2021
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To be an idiot, and act like a child. Previously used by AOC on her current twitch live stream playing Among us.
Please leave, before the conversation gets worse, you’re acting like a rylie,
by V4mp1re January 27, 2021
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Funny and sarcastic but in a charming way. Every girl wants him but only a few get lucky enough to have him. Anybody would be lucky to have a Rylie
me: oh hey Rylie.

Rylie: whas poppin Delay

me: fuck you give me butterflies
by daley T April 19, 2018
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