A weird kid who lives in Chicoma who hits people with books
Raisin must be around it smells like lettuce
by Bigslutdad November 18, 2018
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If you’re a raisin, you never speak to your group of friends and sometimes you scare them when you speak.
She’s such a a raisin ! She spoke to me all of a sudden!
by Old pillow February 21, 2018
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The act of putting random items in places they simply do not belong for the pure fun and shock factor of victim finding items at a later time.
Raisining, putting salt shakers or silverware from restaurants in purses, depends adult diapers in stranger's shopping carts, BBQ sauce bottles in showers next to shampoo, sunflower seeds in socks, posting of many random images on unsuspecting friend's FB walls, etc.
by Dollbabybeck January 17, 2012
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Of, or pertaining to an individual displaying characteristics of having raisin sized testicles.
-"Why do they call that kid Raisins?"
-"He can't hit a shot in bp to save his life, and he hooked up with a chick in a wheelchair..."
-"Oh, I see, fuckin Raisins..."
by Melons R Us February 5, 2012
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Candy I got them raisins for a Dollar 99 a pound
I got them raisins for a Dollar 99 a pound
by Treefer Boy April 3, 2005
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cigarettes, from the smell of a new pack, which is very similar to the smell of raisins. seriously, go smell a fresh pack and you'll get it.
by raunchy booty girl July 1, 2005
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