When quacked.co.uk links to a website sending them more traffic and website hits they can handle.
Holy shit dude your site just got quacked and is down!
by Stephen Barnes December 29, 2005
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homosexual; in caribbean spanish slang the word for homosexual is "pato". Pato literally tarnslates to duck. The sound a duck makes? Quack, quack.
My co-worker came out to me last nite. I always knew he was quack quack.
by ari* January 14, 2008
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pt. Farted, let rip, guffed.
Daves arse: "QUACK!"

Anyone present: "You dirty twat"
by ShavenLunatic October 31, 2003
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A Lovefest between a mother and son! It usually involves strawberry flavoured pizza, but can also be done with chocolate!
"Did you have a nice quack with ur mom???"

"Yeah, it was great!!!"
by RageMaster45 December 2, 2019
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It's what the duck says in English.

In slang a strong friendship or bond two person has made in a very short amount of time.

A verb to define a feeling more deeply than adore in a friend-ish manor.
Quack quack! - said the duck before it flew away.

Levi is my quack. I quack Levi a lot.
by souuu July 27, 2017
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A word said randomly by someone who is bored to annoy bystanders.
Random Person: Quack
Bystander:*looks over at them angry because that's the 23rd time they have said it*
by Quack_Duk March 12, 2018
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