A person who spends large ammounts of time or money trying to make themselves appear cool, but perhaps in a peculiar manner, buying expensive and peculiar items of clothing or spending large ammounts of time doing peculiar activites, that are overly expensive such as water skiing or playing xbox.
Camille: "Sophie do you want to go out and get some curry"
Sophie: "Na might stay in and try and get a handjob on the xbox from that myles guy and be careful don't spill Curry on my new Prada's £500 they were"
Camille: "After we can spend bare time on urban dictionary and playing bounce yeah?"
Sophie: "Sure, better than trying on girl's shoes and wearing a fur trapper thats so ponce"
by HEAFFEY December 1, 2009
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A ponce, typically male, is one who enjoys the scent of his own farts, more than he enjoys the company of others.
by coolbananas June 27, 2008
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v. ~ to abstain from work while creating the illusion of working in order to avoid reprimand; similar to the expression "leaning on his shovel"; ponce, ponced, poncing
"Since I don't want my supervisor to give me more work, I'm going to ponce by shuffling papers on my desk everytime I hear him coming down the hall."
by MC Skillet August 23, 2006
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To beat someone up, or attack them.
Dont mess with me, or else ill ponce you.
by Gregory Free March 20, 2012
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the sight of a guy wearing tight athletic shorts that totally show his package on the side, facing the thigh. Named after an RA at Florida International University.
1)Why did you look at him with that face?
2)Did you see his package? He was totally poncing.
1)Yeah, I noticed that too. But... I kinda liked it.
by PHResident October 7, 2009
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(noun)-A temporarily lost or permanently lost article(s) of clothing. If you have no idea where your shirt is, it immediately a "ponce".
Where are my Ponce ?!?!?!!?!?!
by The hidden 174 August 4, 2011
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