a complete asshole that is either a republican or democrat. They are shady and don't really care about the city, state, or country.
person 1- hey did you vote for the politician?
person 2- fuck no, they're assholes!
by em2020 February 25, 2015
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People that like to dance around in their underwear.
When a politician is being filmed, he quickly puts his pants on as quickly as he can.
by Clinker October 19, 2007
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A sociopathic person who feigns interest in the problems of others for personal gain. A liar, cheat and/or Thief that tries to pass him/herself off as an honest person to take advantage of naive victims.
"Matt is such a politician. He just complemented Julie's hair after telling everyone she's a fat whore!"
by Johnny_Reb May 19, 2009
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A term coined by Elpresador himself, "politicianizing" is going all over the country and being a politician.
Contact me ASAP. I won't be available this weekend - too busy politicianizing.
by BEAST NATION April 13, 2011
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