Osu mania - it is a mode of osu! and is a VSRG it has a lot of keys, keys are abbreviated as K, 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 5K, 6,K, 7K etc...
Person 1: omg what are you playing how do you do that!!!!
Person 2: its called osu!mania it is a mode of osu!, and in order to do it you need to press the keys on your keyboard.
Person 1: *Insert crying emoji* BUT TELL ME HOW!
Person 2: I already told you.
by somerandomguyonthiswebsite February 16, 2022
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A person who has never touched a woman,and spends most of there day clicking circles.
osu! gamer:Im a virgin
by azemallebasy January 1, 2021
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An Osu player is someone who plays no other game than osu. That is literally all they do. If you see a person with an anime profile picture on discord, it's most likely an osu player. The most common osu players are named Robert.
Guy 1: Hey dude what are you playing?
Guy 2: Oh, I'm playing a rhythm game.
Guy 1: What's it called?
Guy 2: Osu.
Gyy 1 Fucking weeb Osu player
by Someonenamedkyle March 30, 2021
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Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City (OSU-OKC). This word can be use in place of retard, moron, dumbass, and any negativity word use to describe a living or non-living things. OSU-OKC ridiculously have a lock down browser while students and staffs can use a cam to film all the test questions and answer. More than 34% of the students are taking Intermediate Algebra and below. More than 46% fail College Algebra and below. Although some people are 4.0 GPA students, the fact is that we take easy class. Therefore, if you make a B at OSUOKC, then you're a retard. Furthermore, 60% of the students are computer illiterate
At Aspen gym: Ashley was rushing across the basketball court dribbling the ball at "Chuck Norris" speed. 3.14159 seconds later...She trip over the basketball. I said "Ashley, quit being an OSU-OKC.
Student #1 (at age 30 i.e. midlife crisis): Dude, how to you solve this?
Student #2: Like whoaaaaa (with both hands up in the air) x^2-6x+9=0??? solve for x???? Let me take it to my remedial math teacher in middle school.
by BenchMax345 February 2, 2008
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1. Noun The stereotypical girl at The Ohio State University; Ugg boot wearing, northface coat owning, legging dawning girls that after three drinks lovely grind with anybody (assuming they aren't a nice guy).

2. Noun Girls that believe a job is determined by slut-appeal and therefore choose to forgo useless things like classes
1. "OSU Girls" in fitness class

OSU Girl 1: Hey that was a great party last night

OSU Girl 2: I know, I had so much fun grinding with those two guys with wide-brimmed hats and smoking that cigarette! I even managed to get drunk enough to miss my morning class!

2. Guys walking across the oval

Guy 1: Dude, do you see that OSU girl?

Guy 2: Which one, they all look the same?

3. A general example 1

Did you hear that OSU girl dumped her engineering boyfriend in favor of the communications major dropout?

4. A general example 2

With her tight leggings, generic Ugg boots, and bitchy demeanor, she is the OSU girl I wish I could be.

5. Two OSU girls getting ready to go out

OSU girl 1: Even though I wear the same slutty outfits and have a 2.0 GPA in my communication major I still have the right to be a bitch.

OSU girl 2: Yes
by Gralberman January 18, 2011
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A thumb drive that is containing osu! and was advertised by Squashy Boy for multi purpose, for playing osu!, for playing osu! in a skateboard, playing osu! in a subway station, playing osu! in a bus.
1. Man, my friend don't have osu!. I'm going to plug in the osu!portable.
2. Hmmm, if I want to play osu! in Android, I can use the osu!portable.
by rapopo December 16, 2020
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A technique used by osu players to rapidly vibrate their fingers rendering any female prone to reach sexual climax without penetration, this is primarily used as a by osu players as a substitute to Erectile Dysfunction that is caused by playing Osu
Damn yesterday my friend used osu fingers at every female at my school, even the cat
by L8gmanuts July 8, 2021
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