What someone does to your manhood to dominate and feminize a man.
If I wanted to make you scream like a girl, I'd crush your nuts

My girl got so pissed, she crushed my nuts, now I don't dare talk back to her.

That guy crushed my nuts and anally raped me
by SamE84 July 5, 2008
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When you’re acting like you have animosity and hate towards someone but you won’t say anything
Lil bruh you holding your nuts if you got something to get off your chest then say it.
by popular loner ¡ August 1, 2020
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Relax, stop worrying, stop nagging. Similar to 'take a chill pill' or Chill your nuts. Command is not gender specific.
"Dude, let's go! We're gonna be late!"
"Ice your nuts, man! It's all good."
by theblumeanie July 22, 2008
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Like "calm your tits" but nuts, ie. balls
Guy 1: "I can't believe ____'s been dickin around with my girl! I outta fuck that guy up!"
Guy 2: "Dude calm your nuts!"
by Manateecup July 11, 2015
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To loos your nut or how normal people say freak out
Wow I can handle this quiz I’m about to lose my nut

Relax your about too lose your nut
by ImmDevil April 15, 2020
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