The most bad-ass anything can be, one step above nar nar. As defined by the great J-dawg. Excellent for describing those extra stanky farts.
Dude, I wouldn't go in there, I just dropped a pow pow and that shit was super shaka nar nar.
by Mondo November 20, 2004
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a stoner word. has to be timed really well in a conversation or you will sound retarted.
"Dude, remember that one hot chick the other night?"
"Yeah man she was totally bangable"
"Yeah and she put out too"
by donkey kong February 26, 2005
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adj. A phrase used to describe something that is so uniquely and completely amazing that by simply mentioning this phrase, others should stop in their tracks to take notice of the situation unfolding around them. Generally you would use this phrase to describe something a swude did or said.
Guy 1: "Last night at the party my girlfriend's sister asked me to have a threesome with she and her hot friend. I did."

Guy 2: "That's sicky sicky nar nar.
by 2Dice February 4, 2010
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The magical land you visit when you are high or when you have so much sex all your limbs are numb
Jessica: Where have you been Tim?

Tim: I have been in The Land of Nar-Nar
by Devin450 June 13, 2008
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Means extremely beyond awesome to the extremeness! Can be used in almost any situation, pretty much wherever. And it's the best word ever. Just, believe me.

(Origin: Corte Madera, CA)
Jane: Look at my new shoes! They're purple with sparkly unicorns on them!
Tracy: Oh my god, those are pretty ziggy-ziggy-nar-nar!

Casey: Wow, Natalie's party was awesomely chill last night!
Alden: Yea, and the dancing was pretty ziggy-ziggy-nar-nar, don't you think?

Malone: Hey, do you know the history homework tonigt...
Eva: Ziggy-ziggy-nar-nar! (as used in a random sitaution)
by SexyTheatreGuy October 15, 2007
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your reply to someone saying they accomplished something big
person one: oh my god i just got a girl
person two: whoa dude thats hella nar nar in the pow pow!
by lil'fock U January 4, 2020
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Can refer to doing any activity on any object. Originally a drunken text message on New Year's Eve.
Shrelp those nars nars bro brah. - OR - Those nars nars aren't going to shrelp themselves.
by Canasty December 2, 2007
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