verb. The act of leaving a party or social event without informing/saying goodbye to friends or host. Also known as "ghosting."
The scene at the office Christmas party was beat so I murphed and went home around 10pm.
by John Schaedler December 21, 2006
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When you switch to another line (say, in a grocery store) because you think that line will go faster but ultimately the line you were originally in goes faster. Derived from Murphy's Law.
P.1 "I just switched lines and got murphed so hard."

P.2 "Wow, that blows. I hate when that happens!"
by aahhmm July 29, 2012
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To pop Ecstasy. To take Ecstasy.
I'm gonna Murph tonight.
by Darminder November 2, 2006
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sliding your fingers at a fast pace vertically up another individual's butt crack and yelling murph whilst in the act of doing so
Man, Brian murphed the shit outta Vin today
by Bob dizzle May 12, 2008
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Someone who deserves to have their cheerios pissed on.
by doggfight November 2, 2010
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one who is sloppy, especially when drunk (synonym = slopfest). one who is unable to imbibe more than 3 thimbles of natty light without becoming "belig." Has been known to knock over tables and spill drinks and fall out of his bed.
"Ryan was such a murph last night, I saw him getting with Creepy Stalker Girl after only 1.5 thimbles!"
by TC, BHAM$, T, G October 16, 2007
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(v) To fart.

(n) A fart.
Phew, dude. Who murphed?

Roll down the window, bro. I'm about to murph.

That chick's entire house smelled like one big murph.
by Rob & Ken December 23, 2004
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