Oh man I'd give anything to get a piece of Stacy's munge!
by ElseMeisterJ August 1, 2017
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Munging is the act in which one jumps on the stomach of a dead corpse and eating through fallatio the embalming fluids which erupt out of the corpse in the jumping process.
What did you do last night? I went to the cemetary and munged some guy.
by Preseason3 September 1, 2003
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to go for a munch, a snack, little lunch. often confused with the gross type of mung.
eg. " boys, mung in about half a hour? we should get some Cheetos."
by chrisanator69er July 15, 2013
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Any unidentifiable liquid/solid or anything in between that you would run through a burning shithouse to keep from smelling or getting on yourself!
When Ralph took off his sneakers he had some kind of grey mung goin on in between his toes.
by Jetmo May 5, 2009
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afterbirth,amniotic fluid, in lehmans terms the liquid that comes out of a pregnant womans snatch after giving birth.

also mung can mean filth. or eny action that is completly disgusting

an exelent insult word
"fuck you man your nothing but mung"

"shut the fuck up and go drink some mung"
by MonkeyNamedTito January 14, 2009
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2 or more guys dig up a woman's corpse and flip a coin/rock paper scissors. Whoever loses (or wins, depending on how sick you are) has to put their mouth on the pussy while someone jumps on the stomach, swallowing whatever fucked up substances come gushing out.
"You're a dick!"
"Yeah well, I was munging your grandma last night. She was shit."
by the other other one September 29, 2008
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An army buddy told me this definition. When you are having intercourse with a dead woman and need extra lubricant you punch her in the belly and the fluids from the abdominal cavity stream down into her vagina.
Mung provides an excellent lubricant.
by ReidBoy December 20, 2006
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