some1 who sticks their dick in the tailpipe of a car
that moron stuck his dick in a car tailpipe
by Sunfire October 25, 2004
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A complete and total idiot. A person lacking intelligence and common sense.
Darwin award winners and nominees, people who use the acronym "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL", anyone who says they are "leet" (also, 1337, l33t, etc.,)

And in some peoples opinions, John Kerry, Bill Clinton and George W.(Dubya) Bush.
by Moron March 31, 2005
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someone or something that acts like a moron
"He was acting moronic the other day talking about retards"
by Miguel Whisconer November 28, 2008
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An insult for one is who COMPLETELY STUPID. Or, a frickin' idiot.
You will die a bloody death, falling into the feiry pit of doom and darkness!...Moron!
by Unknown Personthingy September 22, 2003
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