kick-ass metal band from nj; members include some of the coolest and most talented people you'll ever meet
dude i fucking love when the monuments fall!!
by rockin rocha January 24, 2010
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A silver monument built just outside the front entrance to Victoria Square in Belfast (Nothern Ireland). It is where chavs/steaks/millies hang out and do a dance only known for chavs to do. It looks a bit like irish dancing except worse, and they tend to bring a boombox to blast out the "beats".
"Hey i'm tired, let's go sit on the Victoria Square monument over there". "No way man, there's chavs doing their chavy dance all over it, they'll probably beat us up and steal our gold".
by CSG3 April 27, 2011
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A low budget decrepit school from the 50’s in Great Barrington massachusetts. It’s about as full of asbestos as it is Trump supporting, gay hating country boys. It has a distinct smell of mold and burnt Juul pod. The shop teacher is pretty cool though I guess.
Friend 1: Hey bro I heard you go to Monument Mountain Regional Highschool so who’s addicted to nicotine there?
Friend 2: I think it’d be easier to list everyone who’s not.
by Dammrhsboy December 15, 2019
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Best High School in the Mesa County, just don’t go to the Maverick gas station during lunch hour. Built in 1969, home to the Wildcats ranked better than grand junction high.
Rivals #1: Damn! Have you seen those kids?!
Rival #2: Yeah, we all wish we went to Fruita Monument High School, but we don’t like them.
by SharpSharpie November 23, 2021
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Monument, CO:

-middle-aged white parents who work in obscure jobs & somehow make bank
-elderly retirees who won't pay taxes
-people on Nextdoor who will pull a gun on u for not having ur dog on a leash
-rich white kids who think they're in gangs
-Air Force cadets

-sophomore girls who should be in psych wards
-pedophile teachers & coaches
-rich white girls who think they're quirky for wearing drug rugs once a month
-male athletes on C team that are convinced they're going D1
-19 year old drug-dealers who try to impregnate freshmen
-hockey billet boys who think its fun to break girls hearts
-stuck up Monument Academy kids
-people who think they can fight
-Confederate flags on trucks in school parking lots

If you mention diversity to a kid they’ll probably ask if ur talking about variety of weed strains. School admin preach mental health awareness & will host assemblies where some motivational speaker comes in, plays a random instrument, cracks some jokes, & tells kids not to kill themselves. But when a student’s actually struggling the school is quick to tell them online school is a better option for them so they don’t have to deal with real problems or have blood on their hands when kids kill themselves.
Monument continued:

We have 2 high schools- PRHS (daddys money school) and LPHS (the coke school). Both have drug problems and little school spirit unless STUCO is screaming in ur face. Football games consist of freshman putting dots on their face & people sitting under the hand warmers in the bathrooms at Don Breese stadium to not freeze their asses off. @ every single dance it’s pointless to blur at the n-word in songs because you already know the white kids are gonna scream it anyways.

In Monument the most common pastimes for teenagers are driving illegally, smoking, drinking, hooking up, & breaking curfew to do thrilling things going to Walmart.

Our town has money. We have thriving restaurants & businesses. We have schools that are extremely academically, artistically, & athletically successful on the surface. We have beautiful landmarks & cool wildlife everywhere. Our town has so much potential. So maybe we need to step back & take responsibility for ourselves & our peers & make a change.
by yeehawz May 24, 2020
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Monument, located North off i25 from Colorado Springs, is a little boring rich town with nothing to do. Because the inflow of money, we spend them on recreational drugs and liquor to pass the time. A key spot to do this is the always legendary Mount.Herman. Monument is honestly a pretty ugly town in terms of architecture and cultural relevance. However the gorgeous Colorado landscape of the Rocky Mountains facing you can easily make up for it.

Monument has 2 high schools; Lewis Palmer and Palmer Ridge, which make up District 38.

District 38 and District 20 (DCC down the road) are some of the highest funded Public Schools in Colorado based on state policies of Property Tax and High Test Scores. As hard to believe as that sounds, it feels as if the people running these schools spend most of the budget they do have on petty drug raids instead of helping our faculty and teachers more when they really need it. But they still kick ass anyway.

Like every small town in America you have your Walmart and your usual chain food places like McDonald's or Taco Bell. It's unfortunate the past 15+ years I have noticed Corporate Chains run Local Resturants and Businesses into the ground which is what you're seeing everywhere in America and the rest of the world for that matter.

Monument is atleast 90% white. From my personal observation people look of mostly German, Nordic, or Irish decent. Although we cherish our Mexican food but it's honestly pretty shit.
Monument, the town of people trying to be someone they're not.
by OGseniorMatt September 2, 2023
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The Freedom Monument is a monument in the center of Riga, where English tourists love to pee and shit.
Mate, do you want to piss? Let's go to the Freedom Monument.
by stolendance June 26, 2021
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