Person 1: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side because he wanted to excercise and move his muscles!
Person 2: .... Thats just a loke man.
by TheGoogster March 28, 2023
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To go "off" or get crazy(loco) while threatening another person
by Sashi July 1, 2003
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Out of control, crazy behavior, twacked

Refers to Lokes a.k.a ice, meth, crystal, speed
I'm straight loked Yo!

Got sum cherry lokes, been twacked/loked out for two days
by Urztruly February 12, 2009
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A word that is in between LOVE and Like
Tiffany Kao lokes Timothy Lo.
by Noviana April 3, 2005
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Loke is the stage between like and love in a relationship.

When just liking your boyfriend/girlfriend isn't enough but you're not sure if love is the right word to say at least yet.
1) I loke you.
2) I'm in loke with you.
3) Loke me.
by SincerelyYours January 2, 2010
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Wich means: Lame, Wack, CarBomb, or get a life.
"Your a loke"
"how am I a loke"
"cuz your wack"
by That negra RiRi March 28, 2010
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Balder: Aww, poor little Loke...
Loki: *twitch* I'll get you for that...
by Vamm Goda January 30, 2004
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