A private individual who will, normally at grossly inflated interest rates, lend a person money. Repayment is compulsory or injury may occur. Commonly attributed to the criminal underworld
Person #1: Could I borrow a grand off you, I swear I'll pay it back.

Loan Shark: Oh, you will, believe me you will.
by Lazlo Woodbine July 24, 2004
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A guy who will lend you money when no one else will, but extort you in interest and totally kick your ass if you don't pay.
A loan shark lent me $500. I couldn't pay it back, so I bought a one-way plane ticket to Siberia.
by T. Tan July 23, 2004
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A Semi-Organized business, that loans people money, that one doesn't look in to ones credit and suspicious people. They loan the person the money with high amount of interest. Then, when the date comes to collect the money that the people own them, they go and forcefully take the money from them, and kill them, or take someone precious to them and take it for hostage as a reason to pay them the money, or take something of there's that would repay them for their expenses and more.
Hola, I need a somemoney on the DL for a job, know any good loan sharks.
by Mcy-D July 19, 2004
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Loan shark means like a pro money lender who charges high interest rates which is how they earn money.
"Can I borrow 1000 dollars from you man?"
"Yea, but next week you owe me 1500$"
"You fucking loan shark! Oh alright."
by Jason July 24, 2004
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A shady loan dealer, gives out loans at huge interest rates
I had to get a loan from that loan shark for my new car, but I can't pay him back
by Jonneh July 20, 2004
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shady cahracter, normally small with weasly features who employs large henchmen. Usually ritually beaten at school, they loan money to people in dire need (who cannot raise funds through legitimate means), charging 'cricket score' interest rates with the threat of injury if a payment is missed.
"Ow, that hurt! I promise to pay the loan shark next week, sir"
by Rob July 20, 2004
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a party that charges rediculously high interest rates in return for financing short-term, high-risk loans. historically a member of organized crime, these days it's likely a "pay day loan" business.
i needed a quick $300 so i took out a pay day loan. those loan sharks charged me 782% interest
by pizza July 18, 2004
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