A girl who is cheerful at times with her friends. She can be sensitive about the littlest and biggest thing. She is the most cute, beautiful, smart, and positive person you will ever meet. Every guy would be falling for her so if you went out with her, you're lucky then. She's the most cheerful girl and happiest girl u have ever seen and helps out with her friends when they needs her.
Damn I wish I was like Kao Kia. Kao Kia is the best.
by durh.its.me March 18, 2017
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The ideal human being. no one can even remotely compete with bonka kaos superior peak performance
by bonkis December 28, 2018
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Queen Lady Kaos™ feared Dread Pirate Bonney and Queen Of Sporks™.
Otherwise known as the LollyPop Slut™
totally exampleless unknown qualities other than the desire to share blowpops
by Kaos September 18, 2004
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KAOS is an underground mafia secret to the public. KAOS is connected to over 1000 cities around the world. They do mostly assassination contracts but also they run chop shops, do major burgulary, hacking, extorsion, espionage, smuggling (non-narcotic), etc. KAOS was responsible for the mafia hit of JFK. Usually if an assassination goes unsolved or an extremely valuable object is stolen with no leads, KAOS is responsible. KAOS is currently in a secret war with the Russian Mafia, the Neo-Nazi groups around the world, and the Colombian drug cartels like the North Valley Cartel.
Missouri Governors plane mysteriously crashes? Probably a KAOS Mafia hit.
by Deep Throat 06 June 15, 2006
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A bar that is sleazy, poorly maintained and in overall bad shape, mainly because of bad managment and skanky staff.
Wow... Klub Kaos sucks, lets go to that other bar! (legends)
by Cold Laker February 14, 2010
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