Another durrty south slang word for FUCK
Damn dog that jippin sucks. Thats jipped up. Jip you, you mother jipper!
by jip December 2, 2004
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To make a mockery of, or to cleverly and humerously take the mickey out of someone.
1st Man: "That guy's so fat I swear he has the cubic capacity of two guys!"

1st Man's friend "Ouch, Jipped!"
"He jipped me good!"
by nuttyness April 25, 2006
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1) To masturbate or wank
2) to stimulate one's penis to the point of ejaculation
"I accidentally stumbled upon my big brother, whilst he was having a jip in the bathroom"

"He was caught stark naked, having a jip in the men's changing rooms"

"I haven't had a jip for over 3 weeks, I decided to stop jipping for lent"
by andersonio April 16, 2010
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Dude, yesterday, i was like, damn i dont feel so good, so i jipped English.
by Tristan December 25, 2004
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to be untrue. Usually said after a false statement in an attempt at humor.
You: "Susan Boyle is hot"
Me: "Yeah, jip"
by JBegood January 6, 2011
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Jip, another word for a cardigan. Comes from the phrase Jumper With A Zip. Of course you are not going to call it a cardigan! How uncool!
"Hey mate, pass us me jip."
by IxixixixixixixI October 4, 2005
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