An introvert is someone whom can self entertain, by which I do not mean masturbate. Not all introverts are shy, nor are all introverts shy about discussing masturbation. (Call me). Not all extroverts have trouble self-entertaining. (Wait, what does that mean??)
Billy has been making quiet noises alone in the bathroom, maybe he's an introvert.
by introvertandproud May 13, 2016
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Someone who wants the world to think they're an extrovert, because if the world stopped thinking they were an extrovert, people would use them once they started being who they were growing up again. Someone who thinks rejection is the most painful thing that can happen to a person.
An introvert tells you they have nothing to hide, but they certainly dont do or say anything revealing unless everyone else does.
by Solid Mantis May 5, 2020
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A miserable person who doesn't want to appreciate beautiful things such as small talk, neither have sufficient courage to make new friends during a party. Instead of just growing up and adapting to the world, they usually blame healthier people for "not understanding" them.
Person 1: This party is awesome but John is just standing over there barely talking to anyone!
Person 2: That's because he's an introvert.
Person 1: Really? What a faggot...
by farofilson June 20, 2023
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This extraverted guy wouldn't shut the fuck up, so I pulled my pants down and introverted in his face. That 'll shut him up.
by Praetore March 15, 2017
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Person 1:Hey, I invited you to this party, can you get off of your phone?
Person 2: No thanks, i'm an introvert.
by 1232Ninja December 25, 2017
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