A Perfect Stool whose trajectory upon exit carries it down the plumbing and completely out of view, leaving no evidence (on T.P. or in bowl) that a stool was ever present. Acknowledged as an act of divine intervention.
So, I'm on the shitter and I go to wipe - nothing! Completely clean! Then, to my amazement, I peer into the bowl and there's nothing there. Immaculate stool! Praise the Lord! It's as though Jesus reached down from Heaven and anointed my anus with the holy spirit!
by Brett 327 April 8, 2011
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It means to cap soooooo much that it’s perfect
Pretty popular girl: I’m so ugly
Popular jock: that’s immaculate cap
by iLiKeYaHcUtG October 18, 2020
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n. a bowel movement that leaves one's anus perfectly clean, without a spot or a stain such that wiping is unnecessary
Today is going to be a GREAT day! I just took my morning dump and it was an immaculate poop!
by Smoking Chicken April 1, 2005
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The miscarriage of an inconvenient pregnancy.
Kayla got knocked up, but had an immaculate abortion.
by B Ligerati January 11, 2008
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When a consumer orders a product from a manufacturer and said manufacturer recieves the order, completely looses sight of the order and then is completely amazed when the order resurfaces complete and ready for shipment.
I don't know how Larry's Stamp & Sign couldn't find your order until after it shipped, it must have been Immaculate Production. That happens a lot there.
by disgruntled ho January 6, 2010
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When I ask someone to help me with something on my computer and just the act of their coming over seems to fix the problem.
I contacted my IT person because I couldn't access the internet on my computer. When they showed up to fix it, before they even did anything, I was able to access the internet. I call that an 'immaculate correction'.
by stella twist October 25, 2013
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Immaculate deception occurs when a woman or girl pleads that she is both virginal and pregnant at the same time. She is so skilled in the art of deception that she not only convinces her boyfriend or husband that this is a miracle that has occurred but then somehow get a religious cult of billions of people to believe her lie and then to worship her and her bustard child.
"Say Betty did you know that Jesus is the immaculate deception son of the almightygod ?" " hey, if joseph is buying that load of crap why say anything." "am I right?" immaculate deception
by Walter eagle December 17, 2010
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