When something (usually in a group of things) is so awesome that it makes everything around it seem bad. This cool thing could be described as "hoarding teh awesome."
Mike: "That new CD I bought isn't very good. The first track was so kickass that all the other songs on the CD seemed awful by comparison."

Steve: "That song was totally hoarding teh awesome."
by SJS 3 September 24, 2008
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passive aggressive hoarding
when someone very subtly and gradually builds up a small area in the home or office of random useless bits of junk, but since it is just one area and relatively small it may not get noticed by others until it's too late and grown in size.
passive aggressive hoarding
Wife to husband 'Jeez whats all this crap in the corner in the kitchen?' Husband says 'I might need that broken cable one day, oh and i need that old mobile phone too, just in case'

This can be a problem for when a couple live in a small apartment and there's no space for a man cave.
by frog666 December 11, 2016
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A panicked reaction to the outbreak of Coronavirus. Apparently above all ass, wiping your ass is the first thing that comes to mind.
by RockManZero3 March 15, 2020
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When a person Hoards things but hasn’t reached the Hoarding level of the people on the TV show Hoarders
They have just a Mild Hoarding Problem, only save food for too long and doesn’t throw away newspapers or old clothes, they haven reached the house so full of crap they can’t live there anymore level.
by Capt_Quint June 5, 2019
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What all the fat fucks in the United States decided to do when they heard that a pandemic was coming.

No one knows exactly why this occurred since toilet paper cannot protect you from the No No Virus. If you ask a hoarder they will use the lazy excuse about indefinite quarantines as though that justifies buying 3 years worth from Costco by the pallet. Someone even made a website about this shit and of course, most everyone had too much butt paper. Go figure.

Some greedy good for nothings also tried to make a profit to “help their family”, only to get the banhammer from the Feds for selling Charmin at a 1200% markup on eBay. Amateurs.

You can find some pseudo-intellectual bullshit in the media about comfort and the bullwhip effect, yada yada - this is the nice way of saying people are retards and controlled by their reptilian impulses.

Many lulz will ensue in the coming months when things calm down and all the butt cucks try to return their paper paradise to Walmart, only to be told no and to gtfo.
My neighbor has been entertaining herself by engaging in toilet paper hoarding. She has 14 pallets and can’t even park her car in the garage anymore.
by TauKitty April 21, 2020
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Keeping patients coming back for as long as you can, for the rest of their lives if at all possible. The goal is to keep a steady stream of patients coming in, by keeping as many patients on your list as possible, so as to maximize your weekly income. You don't want to completely cure them, or they might decide they don't need you anymore. You just need to make them feel like they're making progress, slowly but surely.

Psychiatrists and therapists are especially notorious for this. They will often make you feel that your condition is incurable, although treatable. Of course, some people, including those with chemical imbalances, may need a lifelong course of treatment. But some others, who may just be going through a difficult time in their lives, may not.

Some doctors do want to see their patients get cured and move on, if possible. But some (the patient hoarders) want to keep as many patients coming back as possible, for as long as possible.
As long as this doctor continues her practice of patient hoarding, you will have to make appointments well in advance because she will be booked solid for weeks, or even months, at a time.
by TheSageOne April 14, 2017
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Hoarding and/or hiding food around the house to ensure that you're the only one who gets to eat it.
Because of my brother's strategic food hoarding, I can't find those chocolate chip cookies!
strategic food hoarding
by Ileikturtlez May 23, 2013
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