The act of stabbing another human and fucking the stab wound then nutting in it and proceeding to lick up the mixture of Cum and blood all while the wounded victim is still alive and conscious.
by Grungemaster June 23, 2019
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"Grunge is not flannel. Grunge is not long hair. Grunge is not Alice In Chains and whatever. I think Grunge is just a bunch of friends drinking a lot of Henry's and trying to play music when you really can't." --Dave Grohl
Nirvana is grunge. They try to play music when they really can't. Alice in Chains is not grunge. They try to play music when they really can.
by Dave B333 March 5, 2006
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Stupid term used primarily by journalist in the early 90s, because the thought they needed a new word for rock music.
Hey this shit sounds pretty good, but we can't call it "rock n' roll" alright why don't we just call it "grunge".
by shawn December 23, 2004
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The tarry deposit left in a marijuana pipe or other smoking device
Joe cleaned the grunge out of his bong.
by Joe May 13, 2003
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In the tradistion of "Rastafarian" grunge describes an immage, attitude and genre of music. The apperance was mainly modled on the man dubbed "The generation's spokesman" Kurt Cobain, and featured flannel shirts, torn jeans, converse trainers and baggy sweaters. The music was very toned-down/ volume-up version of punk, but where punk was angry, grunge was disilusioned & generally dissatisfied escape to moan at the world.
Begun in seatle (Mainly by Kurt Cobain and the record-label "Sub-Pop") in the early 90's and often called "Generaation-X" grunge was the last pure genre of music we had.
by Cobain's DIsease September 18, 2003
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A genre of music that started in the mid-80s. Although it only gained mainstream recognition in the early 90s due to the success of grunge band Nirvana. Nirvana was NOT the first grunge band, but without them, you probably wouldn't even know what grunge is. Grunge is characterized by its big, loud guitar riffs and rough, lazy vocals.

Here's some examples of grunge bands:
Alice In Chains



Pearl Jam
Sound garden

Grunge is NOT a theme used on Tumblr to describe artsy pictures of edits of Melanie Martinez.
*not grunge*
Poser- "well I listen to pop-punk, have a nirvana t-shirt from hot topic and describe things as grunge on Tumblr. So I'm definantly grunge."
by chanel weirdo July 27, 2017
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A made up word coined by the Sub Pop record label and copped by the media to hype up a bunch of bands mostly originating from Seattle that played loud, angry, heavily distorted and often sarcastic stripped down rock music back in the early '90s. The so called "sound of generation X". The image of depressed long haired flannel wearing punk rock kids. Seized upon by clothing companies like GAP and Calvin Klein to sell cheap clothes at inflated prices.

The Seattle "grunge" scene originated in the mid '80s with bands like Green River, Soundgarden and Melvins. To oversimplify things there were two main categories of "grunge" bands: those who were primarily punk(ie Nirvana) and those were primarily heavy metal(ie Alice in Chains).

At some point in the '90s "grunge" pretty much became synonymous with Alternative rock or anything alternative related. For my money bands like Helmet and Kyuss are just as "grunge" as Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots.

Pioneering "grunge" artists from Seattle all pretty much rejected the label and Kurt Cobain predicted that the movement would fizzle out rapidly because it was over exposed and audiences would begin to see it as clichéd. After Cobain's death the public's interest in "grunge" would decline rapidly while the media companies, mega corporations and marketing firms searched for the next big fad.

When Soundgarden broke up in 1997 the whole thing was pretty much over.
"Grunge is dead." - Kurt Cobain
"We're the godfathers of grunge!" - King Buzzo of Melvins(sarcastically)
by Greasebox May 9, 2019
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