a person who acts drunk when he/she is not.
You only had the neck of the beer ya gronk,
by yhl September 12, 2003
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A ugly or homely woman. One that you wouldn't have sex with with your worst enemy's prick. Usally used as a one word sentance with accent on the 'o'.
by gronk May 24, 2003
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Check out that gronk; thats the gronk that ...... took home last night. F*%k off, your a Gronk. this place is full of Gronks
by Luke Cameron February 14, 2007
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Being drug on the ground clinging to an appendage while trying to tackle someone.

Being crushed, or ran over by someone while engaged in sports, particularly American football.

Being thoroughly embarrassed or humiliated by an opposing team member while participating in sports.

Originated in a NFL preaseason game where New England Patriots Tight End Rob Gronkowski drug Linebacker James Laurinaitis 5 yards along the ground while he was holding onto his leg. The play resulted in a touchdown for the Patriots and humiliation for the linebacker from Ohio State University.
Did you see that dude get Gronked? Wow that was awesome!
by Pats Fans September 10, 2010
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The super virus /sexually transmitted disease that has resulted from New England Patriots Tight End Rob Gronkowski having sex with everyone's girlfriends, wives and favorite porn stars. The condition can only be cured by a heavy dose of antibiotics or if Rob Gronkowski opens his mouth and speaks.
If the Patriots game just ended and your wife seemed to only be cheering for Gronkowski and now she's horny... be careful she may have the Gronk.

If after sex you feel nauseous and dirty and things just don't seem right, you may have to go to the doctor... you might have the Gronk.

(Note: There is a higher chance your lady has the Gronk if you are a Jets fan)
by The Civil Word Servant January 19, 2012
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Violently spiking an object (most common is a football) to the ground in celebration.
Gronking a department store mannequin leg.
by NUChickens December 15, 2011
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a total loser, moron and idiot who always says "ill just" before he/she does anything
go to "wings n' things" in Ryde NSW AUSTRALIA, and you will know exactly what a gronk is - trust me!!!
by Fully_The_Sickest_Bro_Ever October 18, 2003
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