the most retarded word ever! a combination of fuck and retard, not very often used but still an abbreviation for the phrase "fucking retard". this term is used by morons!
conversation after school(abbreviations used for names):

c- bla, bla, bla, bla....
z- o my god c. your such a fuck tard, haw haw haw haw!
a- god z. get a new dictonary
by ma.c June 3, 2008
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A useless dumb ass the most retardest person, a HUGE ASS WHORE,one who dates too many people
Mariah is such a damn fuck tard!
by knatcid12365 July 20, 2008
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1) Fucking retarded
2) One who is fucked up and retarded
Hey shithead! You're fucking cds skip you fucktard
by Pixie August 2, 2003
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Someone who thinks about sex to the point of losing credibility on any other subject.
Can't we stop for a minute and plan our future? All you ever want to do is have sex, you FUCK-TARD !
by Kevin S. McKay December 14, 2007
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A mentally disabled person usually exploited in a sexual manner.
For twenty dollars, Ricky said he would allow us to tag team his sister Wendy. However, we must take care not to break her wheelchair again. I quite fancy that fuck tard.
by Madlinx May 30, 2005
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A fucking douche dick bitch that loves too much dick in his god damn mouth to even do any thing with his life. There is always a fuck tard in a school who pisses you the fuck off every time you see them.
That dumb ass fruit cake Harold was being such a fuck tard. I just want to punch his face in.
by The mole11111122222 January 26, 2014
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