The surplus water that is left in trees and other overhanging plants after a previous rain shower. Even after the rain itself has stopped falling, the precipital fallout still lingers, much like the radioactive fallout of a nuclear explosion.
Zack: Hey Devin! Why are you soaking wet?

Devin: You know that storm we had yesterday? I was just hit by some precipital fallout when I walked under those trees over there.

Zack: Oh...HA!
by DR192 June 14, 2009
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contrary to popular belief this is the 4th game in the fallout series the others being fallout, fallout 2, and fallout tactics and a pretty badass game in itself featuring 1st/3rd person shooting in a post nuclear fallout in the remains of Washington D.C. and in the add ons for this game you also go to anchorage, alaska, Pitsburg, Pennsilvania, somewhere in Maryland and an alien spaceship
person 1: did you buy fallout 3 yet
person 2: yeah and it's the shit you have to buy it some time
by btlss July 21, 2010
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Commonly found throughout sections of New York City, a neighborhood/district/burough that looks, as the result of gang activity and structure abandonments, as though it has fallen victim to a US air force 'shock and awe' strike.
No way I'm going there! I mean, its a fallout district!
by Michael Nelson July 23, 2004
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The large amount of comments, attention, and shock by people about your hair right after it's cut.
"That haircut fallout will be soooo long with your new style."
by technocactus May 27, 2009
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The literal embodyment of ripping somebody’s throat out and feeding it back to them. People spent $60 on this game only to realize its FUCKING GARBAGE! The people that $200 on that deluxe edition or some shit were ripped off even more becuase 1. They were supposed to get a 1. Canvas bag when they actually got a FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT $5 NYLON BAG THAT IS COMPLETE ASS AND THE ONLY THING BETHESDA DID WAS GIVE THEM 500 Atoms (if u didn’t know its in game currency that is only worth like $5 it like v-bucks from Fortnite)
by fabulous_tofu December 4, 2018
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A spin on the name of the game, Fallout Shelter. A Fallout Shitter is when you go to the bathroom to release your bowels and start playing Fallout Shelter at the same time, but you get trapped in the game and forever stuck on the Fallout Shitter.
Bob: Yo, bro hurry up I need to pee! What's taking so long?
Bathroom Steve: One second dog, I'm caught in the Fallout Shitter! My Vault is being raided, a room is on fire and its spreading all while Death Claws are attacking me.
Bob: If you don't wipe soon you're ganna be playing dingleberry farmer!
by fakyu February 25, 2016
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Fallout 3 is a post-apocalyptic firs, or third person shooter, pretty much in the shadow of Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.
Fallout 3 has the "go anywhere do anything" attitude where you can actually "go anywhere" and "do anything".
Fallout 3 also has this neat little feature where you can create your own weapons. it will be realeased in fall of 2008.
Dude 1: whoa man, did you just shoot that chick with a rocket propelled teddy bear?!

Dude2: hells yeah man!

Dude 1: Whooooo!!!!, Fallout 3 fucking rocks dude!!!, can i try?

Dude 2: no, go get your own copy dickweed.
by Spyk32 July 16, 2008
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