When you cant hold it in anymore, and you just let it out. Maybe blame it on the rather short guy or the tallest guy
Did you just fart? Eww it smells like ass.... Why are you blaming it on me I did not fart you dumbass!
by SSSSSSSEWWWHEFART November 9, 2021
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When Lelah makes contacts with u
Eww Lelah talked to me today
by Naisnabunaovs May 24, 2018
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acronym for entitled white woman or a “Karen
Can you believe she played her EWW card when she saw that she was not dealing with a dummy?
by CalcasieuUDfan January 15, 2021
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E ntitled W hite W omen. These are the main social justice warriors that are literally unraveling the fabric of society as we know it. They are America's number one victim since wealthy White men have moved on to Asian women. These GOLD DIGGERS are known to create hostile working environments, homes, and public events. They major in worthless degrees like lesbian celtic poetry and spend their youth cocaine binging and fornicating profusely. After Daddy buys them a clean slate, EWWs still know little to nothing about responsibility and/or work ethic. They will WILLINGLY meet some creepy, horny old guy in a HOTEL room to "further their career" and cry RAPE if he ask her for a favor which is highly unusual judging her past sexcapades. When they evolve into full blown Fatties they become insanely volatile. They will spam the hec out of words like Double Expresso Maca Frama Lama Moca Coffee, Yoga class , Dog, and last but not least SEXUAL HARRASSMENT. Ultimately, EWWs will destroy any man of color's life if you are stupid enough to date them. They all have their Masters in Manipulation so you have been warned.
Brandon text: Yo, Doug. I'm here inside that new club they opened up in Downtown.
Doug text: Oh, cool. OMW now. just streaming through the traffic. Any hot chicks?
Brandon text: A few. It's mostly EWW in here though.

Doug text: EWW?! Dude, get out off there while you still have your freedom!
Brandon text: Too late... I already have 4 sexual harassment allegations, 3 yoga classes scheduled, 2 dog sitting days, and a Mocha frap because I refused teaaa!
by $teve-0H November 12, 2019
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Most def it's people called Shannon, who are second rate at best
Omg she is so Eww, her and her second best dog
by The actual best July 6, 2019
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the noises a group of three REALLY gross guys make when doing it with a hott girl.
Devin: (Really deep voice) margit!!! margit!!!
Kit: (shrilly) mawgit! mawgit! mawgit!
Elliott: (Also deep) uh margit *giggle* uh margit *giggle* uh margit *giggle*
by Jesus saves? or does he? March 16, 2005
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