Wild dogs of Australia. Descended from the pet dogs of the Aborigines.
Dingoes roam the outback, hunting wombats.
by joe boo August 28, 2003
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When someone has extremly ugly clothings, or extremly ugly hair or extremly ugly make-up. Basicly when someone is making themselves uglier then they are.
"Oh my God! That was so dingo!"
"Those jeans?"
"I know, that's the most ugly things I've ever seen in my entire life."
by xaayp November 7, 2006
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use in sentences such as: Dingo ate my BABY! and: dingo, would u really hurt such a beautiful creature?
by dingo January 21, 2004
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verb - dogging for/with Australians. Casual, public sex, with/for an ad-hoc audience, usually takes place in the back of a pick-up truck or ute, possibly in the Outback, possibly involving Bob and Sheila. And some lager. And some more prawns on the barbie. And some fella wih no strides on, fuckin' a kangaroo.
"Hey Kylie, fancy a bit of dingoing tonight?"
"Ah Yeah! Reckon!"
"Nah rack off, Ya bloody drongo, I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot digeridoo!"
by Stephen Wenman March 11, 2008
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An Orange haired four legged person, usually bisexual, with a pink nose. The most annoying Dingo is Wario. They appear as innocent people in movies like "Honey I blew up the kid" and "Pokemon-The rise of Darkrai".
Wow, that dingo just got stomped by a giant baby.
by glaires April 4, 2010
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What happens when a guy, too much alcohol and a fugly girl mix in the wrong way. This can lead to one of two things: first, the guy waking up the morning after, see who is sleeping on top of his arm and try to bite it off to escape - like a dingo will bite off his leg to escape a trap. Second, if you've drunk a bit too much - or you realise who you're trying to sleep with ..... well, dingo' hard, and dingo' in.
1. "How did your night go?" "Terrible, ended up with a right dingo"

2. "I'm sorry about the dingo, I've been under a lot of stress."
by Nykrus October 5, 2008
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What austrialians say to attempt to show off as they think they are cool.
NZer: We bet you at the test mate.
Aus: Do you need some glasses mate you were off side. DINGO DINGO DINGO. DINGO DINGO DINGO.
NZer:You aussies are getting dumber by the minute.
by Kiwis Rule July 7, 2009
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