Beta Detector is usually a female who can tell that if the guy she is in relationship with, or when a guy approached her is a beta male. Usually when females talk to a guy they can detect that is he is beta such as he avoids eye contact, shy and doesn’t know to have conversation. Usually women reject beta males but only time she will give her time to him if the beta male has money so she can use him as Beta Male Provider. Women are in general very good at being Beta Detector. This word is popularized by Youtuber Jisun Benz who is the host of Jisun Benz Show.
Tania : Girl , why did you reject that cute guy ?
Michelle : He ain’t my type
Tania : You’re a great Beta Detector
by Jisun January 26, 2020
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down detector is the website where little kids that play fortnite get to report to others that their game/website is down.
by acjack77 February 11, 2021
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A device what detects ghosts to see where the ghosts location.
There’s some of them what are fake, pranks, simulators to find a ghost and then you got to buy one for 3.49$, those are the real ones.
Ghost detectors are fake. The only purpose is for entertainment only.
by Spheraz January 13, 2021
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Its name says it all. It detects bullshit and crap that piles from other people's mouths like verbal shite. They don't know your detecting their full of shite approach. But hey oh. Your bullshit detector goes off the radar when you speak to certain people and you have that quizzical look on your face a raised eye brow and your hand on your chin and they still talk shite at you.

Bullshit detectors are a must have. Get one today.
"Hey Dave my bullshit detectors tells me your talkin a load of shit."

That guy says a load of shit. My bullshit detector ran right of the spectrum soon as he opened his mouth.
by Moscow Man June 8, 2020
A tool Used to Detect high amounts of SUS
let me use my poopooniggafartsyndrome detector on your sus ass.
by Greenpoop24361 September 21, 2020
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Another word for a smoke detecor/fire alarm that i used to say as a kid
The beep detector needs new batteries
by Maxine996 January 4, 2023
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A spliff made by hollowing out a cigarette. There fore once finished it looks like a normal cigarette.
This is done so hopefully the police dont realise your smokeing a spliff.
Use when sitting in parks after pub closing.
by Weazil April 14, 2004
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