1. when a guy who is interacting with a cute girl hoping to get ahead sexually is blocked from taking it farther by someone or something

2. either devine intervention, karma or poor luck preventing a guy from getting laid or succeeding sexual with a girl.

3. when a friend of either the guy or girl prevents the two from hooking up
I can't believe you just fucking cock-blocked me you prick, your like a cock-blocking dog that just pops up a the worst moment to fucking kill someones chance's of fucking scoring!
by calaco May 29, 2011
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Someone who has, will, or wants to prevent a friend/random person from getting laid by a member of the opposite gender. Also, when a person knows he's not getting a piece of tail will do absolutely anything, best friend or not, to make sure nobody gets a pice of tail by the end of the night. Someone who will convince a member of the opposite sex to go home, instead of going to a party they were really excited about, by telling lies to prevent any others from having a chance of getting lucky.
When Kyle, John, and Boy Blue were chilling at a karaoke night, John invited a girl to com to the after party. On the way to pick up boy blues truck , Kyle was guranteed a piece of tail, for she was licking his ear. After Boy Blue had gotten his truck, Jenn decided to go with him. He then convinced her to go home, by telling her that Kyle and John were bad people. Steve IS A COCK BLOCK!!!!!!
by Tank AKA The other boy blue March 17, 2006
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In the last 20 seconds of the Sherlock BBC episode, "The Great Game", Moriarty decides to be a total Cock Block.

Sherlock: "What you offered to do back there it was...uh....good..." *blush*
John: *epic smile*

Audience: MAKE OUT!!
*Sniper riffles shown from above*

Audience: ........Fucking Moriarty.......
by WatsonFan January 25, 2011
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When a friend or person prevents one from hooking up with a potentional mate. Usually done on purpose by a friend or person that will go to extreem lengths to prevent one from hooking up or getting some. Can be done by accedent, but usually not likely. Also know as cock blockers or cock blocking, these indeviduals of interception usually have the hater mentallity of, "Fuck that guy/girl!!, If I can't get it, they can't eather!!, or the famous I'm just going to fuck this up for this person because I'm a HATER!!! Also known as purpratrating hating, ass deflecting or scary ass. These Interceptive, bypassing, mercenaries must be stopped!!!
"I was macking on a girl and my so called friend was butting in on the conversation, then pointing out my flaws, then trying to bring up my old relationships, then bug-a-booed the girl all around, then tried to tell her to call him in a different language(they both spoke the same second language), Then followed us around the whole night(even falling asleep by us then wakeing up at the first sign of movement, jumping between us, making me drop her off first and we were entering his(the cock blocker's) drive way, not allowing me or her to exchange phone numbers, this all acts of true COCK BLOCKING, COCK BLOCK, COCK BLOCKED, COCK BLOCKER." true-Mon, July,14,03
by The chun du July 14, 2003
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A douche bag who purposely ruins a moment.
During science my class cock blocked john and me. </3
by for Borjy. September 28, 2010
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To get cock blocked by another man. An act of desperation made by a loner who will look at no means in order to step up from being a third wheeler in order to prevent you from reaching endless orgasms, so he can then make his move. Also known as pulling a Trivs.
Ferdinand wanted to have a go at blondie but he was cock blocked by Jerome all night. Jerome pulled a trivs on Ferdiand.
by Americanplayboy69 April 6, 2015
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one who prevents the cock from being unleashed upon a woman.
I had a hot girl in the room, but Alex would not quit playing WoW and subsequently became a cock block.

Me: "Alex...girl...in...room.."
Alex: "no, one more raid, there's a hot sorceress in here, i think she wants to get into my pixel pants."
by DeerPark1515 December 1, 2006
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