Not to be confused with a constipated dump, a clogged dump is when there is too much shit to shit out at once. This results in three stages of poop.

1st stage - Turtles (small droplings of shit)
2nd stage - Soggy snakes (Regular shit except soggy)
3rd stage - DIARRHEA

The aftereffects of taking this dump include: a torn anus, choking of the toilet, and a lasting feeling of relief and victory.
After an hour of nothing but sheer will and determination, Mohammed overcame his encounter with a clogged dump.
by 0MNIV0C4TI0N July 3, 2012
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When you watch so much porn that your device stops working
Why is your iPad so slow?
It’s got a severe case of Porn Clog
by Toppstyle January 30, 2019
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A sexy man with a big penis. Nope just kidding! He is a guy who talks about Death Grips and goes to Walmart for no reason.
"Who's the redhead head kid at Walmart, he is such a Nog Clogs"
by Giovanni Is a sex offender December 8, 2020
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When you are having relations with your partner and you place your entire foot in their anal cavity
"Dave why you limping?"

"The other night I hurt my foot giving Edna a Dutch clog!"
by Phonejackson September 4, 2016
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Inability, usually predominant in the black and latino community, to find a blonde with blue eyes unnatractive, no matter how butterface (or just plain fug in extreme cases) they may be.
DeShawn caught clog fever when he went to Michigan, that ho that he be tappin ain't even got no grill, brotha!
by Kimkom April 11, 2010
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To accomplish a Fog Clog it require both skill, timing and an element of luck.
A fob clog is when both participants of the fobbing, release their fluids at the same time, and a 'clog' occurs in the recipients throat.

At this point its like a stalemate, however, unless extremely skilled, the recipient is likely to expel the fluids over the 'fobber'. If a skilled fobber is at work, they might be able to pull out and avoid the fluids.

However, be warned, a novice 'fobber' should not attempt a Fob Clog unless wearing old or unwanted clothes, as it is a very difficult and unique skill to acquire.
''It was crazy, I was Fobbing this drunk chick the other night and I totally Fob Clogged her up and I didn't know what to do, cause I usually Fob Win''
''So what did you do??''
''Well I sorta stayed there for a second or two, then pulled out and dived out of the way...!''
''Did you get covered??''
''No I got a little on my shoe, but avoided most of it..!!''
''Well played!! I've heard thats pretty hard!''
by FobMaster_2010 March 24, 2010
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