An insult to Hell's Angels, because the "death head" looks like a chicken wing. Plus, they are pussies who only fight with guns, and co-op with police and military.
Did you see that guy on the bike? His patch looks like a chicken wing.
by NonyaBuziniz March 16, 2013
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The pendulous or excess skin that hangs from the underside of the upper arms. Most commonly found on fat women from the north of England.
"Ugh, that fat-ass old barmaid just whapped me in the face with her sweaty chicken wing when she reached over to collect my glass!"
by Baron Von Batwing January 6, 2005
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'chi-k&n, 'wing N. A nickname for someone with cerebral palsey or other similar mental disorders that cause one's wrist to form inward that causes their arm to take the appearance of a "chicken wing."
"Poor David, the chicken wing. Too bad he'll never be able to tie a noose!"
by Chris H., Pip R. October 18, 2006
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A form of greeting, similar to the handshake or high-five, where one bumps elbows with another at point-blank distance. It is commonly used by dealers in the Yay Area cuz we don't fuck with no fingerprints.
i met up with the homies nick leezy and vegas at bobby g's and i had to chicken wing em cuz i just pulled a recop.
by dreezlam October 19, 2007
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When driving with your window down in your car, Having your elbow and arm resting on the door.
I was driving down the street the other day, windows down, chicken winging like fark
by da dew dog January 14, 2010
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Slang term for a fling or a one off sexual encounter.
female asks male to meet up again sometime.. Male replies with you aint nothing but a chicken wing.
by Zephia April 3, 2008
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the male act of sitting as if stretching your groin with your legs bent and feet centered in front of the penis, where your bitch sits front facing, dick in her vagina and the big toe in her asshole.
hey Brendan, whats wrong why you walkin funny? did you ride DK's chicken wing last night?
by aspekd December 8, 2014
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