an adjective to replace cool, awesome, hot, etc.
"That new shirt is so cheesy!"
by Em February 21, 2005
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is when you put a cheese in between a grill cheese sandwich and then you eat that cheesy and you feelin' like that chica!
Hey! I eat you cheesy grill cheese sandwich!

Cheesy mom's choose bigger titties...
by yuthanasia April 6, 2011
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'Cheesy' ... the grit that formulates in the hole of your fleshy when streatching your ear.
'your ears all cheesy'
by stuff February 23, 2005
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Wonderful, beautiful, cute, sexy, awesome, clever and fun girl, who is a beautiful, very loveable.
Cheesy is so cute!
by polesp August 2, 2009
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Person A: Yeah... I'll hit you up later.
Person B: Cheesy.
by En-en-en July 21, 2011
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"That Jin player was really cheesy."
by Mad Walrus September 2, 2002
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A term used by suburban teenagers that is synonymous with the word "high" or "fucked up"

It was originally designed as a secret word that one could use in public without anyone around them knowing but it was always obvious what they were talking about
Person #1: Let'so get cheesy! See, if we say it like that, they don't know what we're talkin about.

Person #2: You're an idiot...
by Mr. Super January 18, 2007
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