One who practices the art of strategic waiting cause hes a puss.
That camper pwned me.
by Tool March 19, 2003
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(1) holding the rights to kill a timedword MOB /wordin an wordMMORPG/word such as wordAO/word or wordEQ/word

(2) waiting for a MOB to spawn so you could kill it for it's loot
(1) I'm camping Eel for my guild, so back off, kthx.

(2) I've been camping TK for 4 hours to get the rack for my dodga pads
by Toolbox November 9, 2003
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A person sitting out in the bush with his weapon waiting for an unsuspecting person to come by him. this is experienced in online gaming such as counter-strike in cs_assault where the entire map is filled with goddamn lame ass pussy camping hoes in every corner of the map with most likely an awp. these players will sit there the whole round doing nothing but play with their dicks waiting for everyone one else to move, but since the rest of the community is camping...we have one massive geek orgy over the net.
*DEAD*1337est here: u both suxor u nooblahs! ^^
by sY|iX March 15, 2004
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Person who loiters for extended periods of time while waiting for something to happen, especially for monetary gain. Usually found in online games.
R0dn3y is a noob camper.
by Fakie May 5, 2003
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Someone who stays in one spot without moving more than 2 inches, just to get kills or because they have no idea how to play. Snipers who are campers need to learn how to fucking play. The only exception is when your covering a flag, but people still get pissed.
Karwhores and Newb Snipers
by Mr.Grammar October 12, 2003
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An SOD Member who repeatedly sits in one spot then waits for you to pop your head out to shoot you. Then when you stop running to catch your breath and shoot SODWolfPack-jr who is then shot and is called a camper by the target.

"Dude that isnt camping your just dumb"
by ][THC][KingLaylow April 15, 2005
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camper=a member of SOD who camps in a single spot the whole map cause he/she is canadian..the said camper then talks shit to the non campers to make up for the fact that canada is gay.....
SODWolfpac_Jr: haha you got owned n00b. get in that hole, u got owned .....

THCKinglaylow: the hole i refer to, is the one i used to F*CK you momma on toast last night u camper
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